The goal of this analysis is to identify differentially expressed genes (DEG) between responders and non-responders in the HVP01 study using the bulk RNA-seq data.
From whole blood transcriptome profiling, we have bulk RNA-seq data for 15 subjects over 5 time points (visit day 0,1,3,7,14). The studied Hepatitis B Vaccine (drug: ENGERIX®-B) consists of three doses. After each dose, response to the vaccination is determined by the anti-HBs antibody level above 10 mIU/mL.
In this report, we focus on the response after dose 2 (with 13 responders and two non-responders). At a single time point, we perform a naive t-test. To include multiple time points, we also perform the parametric PBtest, which takes into account the repeated measurement data structure.
This report is organized in the following sections.
Load useful packages.
In the following analyses, significance level is set at 5%. Benjamini-Hochberg multiple testing correction will be applied.
alpha <- 0.05
Earlier, we read in “HVP_sampleTable_response_May18.csv” to ctab
, which contains the dose response and other clinical information for each sample in the expression matrix.
kable(ctab) %>%
kable_styling(bootstrap_options = c("hover")) %>%
scroll_box(width = "100%", height = "300px")
Sample_name | Subject_id | Visit_day | Responder_dose1 | Responder_dose2 | Age | Age_Group | Sex |
GR01_V3 | GR01 | 0 | Yes | Yes | 57 | young | F |
GR01_V4 | GR01 | 1 | Yes | Yes | 57 | young | F |
GR01_V5 | GR01 | 3 | Yes | Yes | 57 | young | F |
GR01_V6 | GR01 | 7 | Yes | Yes | 57 | young | F |
GR01_V7 | GR01 | 14 | Yes | Yes | 57 | young | F |
GR02_V3 | GR02 | 0 | No | Yes | 60 | old | F |
GR02_V4 | GR02 | 1 | No | Yes | 60 | old | F |
GR02_V5 | GR02 | 3 | No | Yes | 60 | old | F |
GR02_V6 | GR02 | 7 | No | Yes | 60 | old | F |
GR02_V7 | GR02 | 14 | No | Yes | 60 | old | F |
GR03_V3 | GR03 | 0 | No | Yes | 52 | young | F |
GR03_V4 | GR03 | 1 | No | Yes | 52 | young | F |
GR03_V5 | GR03 | 3 | No | Yes | 52 | young | F |
GR03_V6 | GR03 | 7 | No | Yes | 52 | young | F |
GR03_V7 | GR03 | 14 | No | Yes | 52 | young | F |
GR04_V3 | GR04 | 0 | Yes | Yes | 73 | old | F |
GR04_V4 | GR04 | 1 | Yes | Yes | 73 | old | F |
GR04_V5 | GR04 | 3 | Yes | Yes | 73 | old | F |
GR04_V6 | GR04 | 7 | Yes | Yes | 73 | old | F |
GR04_V7 | GR04 | 14 | Yes | Yes | 73 | old | F |
GR05_V3 | GR05 | 0 | No | Yes | 69 | old | M |
GR05_V4 | GR05 | 1 | No | Yes | 69 | old | M |
GR05_V5 | GR05 | 3 | No | Yes | 69 | old | M |
GR05_V6 | GR05 | 7 | No | Yes | 69 | old | M |
GR05_V7 | GR05 | 14 | No | Yes | 69 | old | M |
GR06_V3 | GR06 | 0 | No | Yes | 53 | young | M |
GR06_V4 | GR06 | 1 | No | Yes | 53 | young | M |
GR06_V5 | GR06 | 3 | No | Yes | 53 | young | M |
GR06_V6 | GR06 | 7 | No | Yes | 53 | young | M |
GR06_V7 | GR06 | 14 | No | Yes | 53 | young | M |
GR07_V3 | GR07 | 0 | No | Yes | 44 | young | M |
GR07_V4 | GR07 | 1 | No | Yes | 44 | young | M |
GR07_V5 | GR07 | 3 | No | Yes | 44 | young | M |
GR07_V6 | GR07 | 7 | No | Yes | 44 | young | M |
GR07_V7 | GR07 | 14 | No | Yes | 44 | young | M |
GR09_V3 | GR09 | 0 | No | Yes | 51 | young | F |
GR09_V4 | GR09 | 1 | No | Yes | 51 | young | F |
GR09_V5 | GR09 | 3 | No | Yes | 51 | young | F |
GR09_V6 | GR09 | 7 | No | Yes | 51 | young | F |
GR09_V7 | GR09 | 14 | No | Yes | 51 | young | F |
GR10_V3 | GR10 | 0 | No | Yes | 55 | young | F |
GR10_V4 | GR10 | 1 | No | Yes | 55 | young | F |
GR10_V5 | GR10 | 3 | No | Yes | 55 | young | F |
GR10_V6 | GR10 | 7 | No | Yes | 55 | young | F |
GR10_V7 | GR10 | 14 | No | Yes | 55 | young | F |
GR11_V3 | GR11 | 0 | No | Yes | 50 | young | F |
GR11_V4 | GR11 | 1 | No | Yes | 50 | young | F |
GR11_V5 | GR11 | 3 | No | Yes | 50 | young | F |
GR11_V6 | GR11 | 7 | No | Yes | 50 | young | F |
GR11_V7 | GR11 | 14 | No | Yes | 50 | young | F |
GR13_V3 | GR13 | 0 | No | Yes | 46 | young | F |
GR13_V4 | GR13 | 1 | No | Yes | 46 | young | F |
GR13_V5 | GR13 | 3 | No | Yes | 46 | young | F |
GR13_V6 | GR13 | 7 | No | Yes | 46 | young | F |
GR13_V7 | GR13 | 14 | No | Yes | 46 | young | F |
GR15_V3 | GR15 | 0 | No | Yes | 44 | young | F |
GR15_V4 | GR15 | 1 | No | Yes | 44 | young | F |
GR15_V5 | GR15 | 3 | No | Yes | 44 | young | F |
GR15_V6 | GR15 | 7 | No | Yes | 44 | young | F |
GR15_V7 | GR15 | 14 | No | Yes | 44 | young | F |
GR17_V3 | GR17 | 0 | No | No | 63 | old | F |
GR17_V4 | GR17 | 1 | No | No | 63 | old | F |
GR17_V5 | GR17 | 3 | No | No | 63 | old | F |
GR17_V6 | GR17 | 7 | No | No | 63 | old | F |
GR17_V7 | GR17 | 14 | No | No | 63 | old | F |
GR18_V3 | GR18 | 0 | No | No | 72 | old | M |
GR18_V4 | GR18 | 1 | No | No | 72 | old | M |
GR18_V5 | GR18 | 3 | No | No | 72 | old | M |
GR18_V6 | GR18 | 7 | No | No | 72 | old | M |
GR18_V7 | GR18 | 14 | No | No | 72 | old | M |
GR19_V3 | GR19 | 0 | No | Yes | 62 | old | M |
GR19_V4 | GR19 | 1 | No | Yes | 62 | old | M |
GR19_V5 | GR19 | 3 | No | Yes | 62 | old | M |
GR19_V6 | GR19 | 7 | No | Yes | 62 | old | M |
GR19_V7 | GR19 | 14 | No | Yes | 62 | old | M |
In vaccine studies, it is common to look at the Day 7 post-vacctine data given the time lag between vaccination and immune activation. At the single time point, we can simply use the t-test to compare between the responders and non-responders.
## subset Day 7 column data
ctab.D7 <- ctab %>% filter(Visit_day==7)
## t-test
out.t.D7 <- rowttests(dat.filt10.symbol[,ctab.D7$Sample_name], as.factor(ctab.D7$Responder_dose2))
padj.t.D7 <- p.adjust(out.t.D7$p.value, method="BH")
names(padj.t.D7) <- rownames(out.t.D7)
(sig.gene.D7 <- names(which(padj.t.D7<alpha))) #1 DEG
## [1] "WSB2"
head(sort(padj.t.D7)) #top genes
## 0.03943521 0.07863648 0.42500969 0.56207867 0.56207867 0.56207867
There is only 1 DEG identified using sinlge time point at Day 7. The following plot shows that this gene is under-regulated in the responders.
## plot
col=as.factor(ctab.D7$Responder_dose2), pch=19,
xlab="Subject", ylab="Day 7 expression level",
main=paste0(sig.gene.D7, ", p-value = ", round(padj.t.D7[sig.gene.D7],3)))
legend("topleft", c("Non-responder","Responder"), col=1:2, pch=19)
Immune response is a dynamic procedure. Using just one time point limits the scope of our analysis. With PBtest, a highly efficient hypothesis testing method for regression-type tests with correlated observations and heterogeneous variance structure, we are able to include all time points available in the study. It reveals more DEGs between the responders and non-responders.
## PBtest
out.PBtest <- PBtest(YY=t(dat.filt10.symbol),
padj.PBtest <- p.adjust(out.PBtest$p.value, method="BH")
names(padj.PBtest) <- names(out.PBtest$p.value)
padj.PBtest.sorted <- sort(padj.PBtest)
(sig.gene.PBtest <- names(padj.PBtest.sorted)[padj.PBtest.sorted<alpha]) #14 DEGs
## [1] "CYP4F29P" "ANKRD20A11P" "TAGLN" "ZNF774" "IGLV3-21"
## [6] "NBPF26" "IGHV4-4" "CD8A" "TCL1A" "MYBL2"
## [11] "CD8B" "MMP17" "CORO2B" "IGHV4-39"
padj.PBtest.sorted[1:30] #top genes
## 0.001209757 0.001523306 0.009972987 0.009972987 0.009972987
## 0.009972987 0.009972987 0.025889548 0.027076586 0.027315378
## 0.027315378 0.027315378 0.037506093 0.047982663 0.058518654
## 0.058518654 0.061576042 0.061576042 0.061576042 0.061576042
## HLA-DMB SHTN1 IGHV1-3 RP11-164H13.1 CDKN1C
## 0.063839415 0.065953526 0.087418335 0.087638782 0.096983455
## 0.107899649 0.114981091 0.122971924 0.124335118 0.124335118
Using all time points, 14 DEGs are identified using PBtest. The following plots show the expression levels of those DEGs across time in responders and non-responders.
## plot
for(gene in sig.gene.PBtest){
x <- dat.filt10.symbol[gene,]
df.x <- ctab %>% mutate(Expression=x)
g <- ggplot(data=df.x, aes(x=Visit_day, y=Expression, group=Subject_id, colour=Responder_dose2)) +
geom_line(aes(linetype=Responder_dose2)) + geom_point() +
scale_linetype_manual(values=c("dashed", "solid")) +
ggtitle(paste0(gene, ", p-value = ", round(padj.PBtest[gene],3)))